Monday, May 19, 2008

Went to club 9 last Tuesday with my colleague. This is my first time singing in an open area, nice experiences. But one thing i didn't like was each table is limited to 2 songs only, so you will have to wait like one round before is your turn again. So if you want to sing, go to a KTV instead, the place is more of drinking and chilling with friends.

Some pictures taken on that day.

That is Joanna my mentor and Lady. YES, her name is LADY!!


Met Alicia for dinner at Marina square. And while i was concentrating talking to alicia, guess who just walk passed me OMG is Randall Tan and i actually missed it.

After that we head to Mac for some ice-cream and chit-chatting session. Great day out (: and thanks for the specs.

avatars myspace with Gickr

That's all for this entry because I need to rush my Interim report.

Please Give me more time

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Labour day

Went k session with my lovey friends, we sang from 2 all the way till 7 without stopping. And Cy keep singing some kids songs, dunno what "ba luo po, ba luo po ...... " OMG, i should have recorded it down, damn hilarious.


Some photos taken on that day...........

Continue with some random pictures.....

I like this picture a lot, cannan look like the dog on the advertisement for Cesar.

YUMMY, more food please!!

Something to share, this is circulating the Internets and is an ad from Cesar Dog Food. He is the winner of the I look like my dog contest.

Pretty amazing. To conclude " like father like son"