hmmm haven been updating. n0 time t0 update. relatives fr0m kl came over. went out wit them. had w0rst x'mas ever at orchard -.- all th0se bangala were really s0 pervert. yuckss. n0w os0 no moood f0r everything. n0 mo0d f0r work n0 mo0d f0r eat. -.- dunn0 why os0 . hurhur. but t0 ppl i seem cheerful on the outside. >.< hais. s0 vexed n0w. wat shld i d0 ? shld i jus m0ve on or ? hmmm. kinda c0nfused os0 . sobb. someone heeeelllllpppp mieeeee. )=
Saturday, December 24, 2005
hmmm. ytd finally turned 17. hahha. n0t young n0t old =X ytd w0rk finish on e wae h0me tt time saw my last time frenn. yay. he's so0oo cute. hahhaha.
den relatives from kl came over our hse t0 stae. hoh0. c0sy x'mas ~! >.<
t0dae went t0 work as usual. half dae ; full pay. why n0t ?! l0lx. aww.
den early in the m0rning my fren woke up t0 acc0mpany from je t0 taman jurongggg. soo0ooooo touched ! heheex. reminds mie orf the past. >.< hais. h0w wish i can go back to da past `! (=
after work strgt owae go hm lah. gonna meet mummy, daddy, sandra, korkor, ee jiong, ah yi, bartholomew, aubrey, ethel and daniel NOW ! hahahahaha. so late le. gtg. take care everybody. tatas . MERRY X'MAS !! hohoho.
*nv been s0 high spirits b4 in these 7 suffering months. hehee. thanks to...... >.<
den relatives from kl came over our hse t0 stae. hoh0. c0sy x'mas ~! >.<
t0dae went t0 work as usual. half dae ; full pay. why n0t ?! l0lx. aww.
den early in the m0rning my fren woke up t0 acc0mpany from je t0 taman jurongggg. soo0ooooo touched ! heheex. reminds mie orf the past. >.< hais. h0w wish i can go back to da past `! (=
after work strgt owae go hm lah. gonna meet mummy, daddy, sandra, korkor, ee jiong, ah yi, bartholomew, aubrey, ethel and daniel NOW ! hahahahaha. so late le. gtg. take care everybody. tatas . MERRY X'MAS !! hohoho.
*nv been s0 high spirits b4 in these 7 suffering months. hehee. thanks to...... >.<
Happy birthday to u .. so how is yr birthday??.. sry cant spent it wif u .. anyway hope u like the present ?? try the tshirt already ?? hehe.. hope u like it..
who say i will not update .. hehe.. i am updating now.. haha.. =D so fast christmas again.. one year i am getting used to my life .. must enjoy it while i still can hee..
chiew yang wan to join the super band.. HEhe.. rebecca we must go support her okie?? HHAha.. hope to see u all soon again .. =) take carE everyone.. ][ KAren six *][
who say i will not update .. hehe.. i am updating now.. haha.. =D so fast christmas again.. one year i am getting used to my life .. must enjoy it while i still can hee..
chiew yang wan to join the super band.. HEhe.. rebecca we must go support her okie?? HHAha.. hope to see u all soon again .. =) take carE everyone.. ][ KAren six *][
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
hoh0. lo0ks like i'm da only one updating. cha0 carr0t. sure is lazy t0 update de. think i dunn0.. huhux.
hmmm.. t0dae went t0 w0rk as usual. s0 tiringg. s0 many funny things happened. hahha. one orf which is tt cha0 cy. thr0w the stupid insect which was wrapped in the plastic at mie. made mie scream like sia0. hahhaha. after w0rk met up wit alicia c0s ltr g0t dinner wit the 3 crazy gals plus 1 funny b0i =X hahha. l0itered f0r s0 many hrs den finally met them at 8pm. hahha. went t0 jec t0 eat. c0s tt b0i's dad w0rk thr. hahhahh.. s0 nice orf his dad t0 treat us drinks th0u we didnt eat his stall's fo0d. LOL..
den after tt as usual agn we went t0 arcade t0 plae. hahhaha. s0 funnn. s0 much luffter n screaming. l0lx ! first time see caro0t ...... err. spoil her image =X hahaha.
den huh. while waiting f0r the bus i jus realised my bag orf bel0ngings was g0ne. ! huhu. den mie n alicia went back jec find like mad. huhu. s0 scaredded. thanks t0 da cleaners of da fo0d court. iif n0rt my "jelly bean" n keys g0ne. hahaha. thnk God f0r protecting muh bel0ngings ! pheeewww.
reach h0me abt 11 or s0 le. huhu. tmr still mus w0rk =( YAY. get pay tmrr. wahahahaha. p/s : car0ot, reallllllyyy thhaaaaankiew f0r da ph0to !! LOVE EU ! n meng xue g0in off ltr. s0 saddd. g0nna miss her. huhu.. take care guys. l0ve eu all (x muakss !
hmmm.. t0dae went t0 w0rk as usual. s0 tiringg. s0 many funny things happened. hahha. one orf which is tt cha0 cy. thr0w the stupid insect which was wrapped in the plastic at mie. made mie scream like sia0. hahhaha. after w0rk met up wit alicia c0s ltr g0t dinner wit the 3 crazy gals plus 1 funny b0i =X hahha. l0itered f0r s0 many hrs den finally met them at 8pm. hahha. went t0 jec t0 eat. c0s tt b0i's dad w0rk thr. hahhahh.. s0 nice orf his dad t0 treat us drinks th0u we didnt eat his stall's fo0d. LOL..
den after tt as usual agn we went t0 arcade t0 plae. hahhaha. s0 funnn. s0 much luffter n screaming. l0lx ! first time see caro0t ...... err. spoil her image =X hahaha.
den huh. while waiting f0r the bus i jus realised my bag orf bel0ngings was g0ne. ! huhu. den mie n alicia went back jec find like mad. huhu. s0 scaredded. thanks t0 da cleaners of da fo0d court. iif n0rt my "jelly bean" n keys g0ne. hahaha. thnk God f0r protecting muh bel0ngings ! pheeewww.
reach h0me abt 11 or s0 le. huhu. tmr still mus w0rk =( YAY. get pay tmrr. wahahahaha. p/s : car0ot, reallllllyyy thhaaaaankiew f0r da ph0to !! LOVE EU ! n meng xue g0in off ltr. s0 saddd. g0nna miss her. huhu.. take care guys. l0ve eu all (x muakss !
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
huhu. t0dae went t0 work as usual. but t0dae g0rt funny things. hahha. hmmm. at first all orf us l0oked s0 sianed. LOL.n0rt long after we start w0rk, i saw chiew yang's true col0urs ! hahaha. really chao ah lian -.- quarrel wif her will die de. l0lx. i'm scareded. hahha. after tat okae le. LOL.. ! den c0ntinue d0in w0rk. huhu. s0 tired. l0lx.. den goin t0 finish le cy planned sth. HAHAHA. s0 funny. planned a murder scene n video d0wn. LOL. 1st few tries were luffing n0n stop. hahahha.. really cann0rt st0p luffin man. l0lx.. finally g0t successful one. hahhaha.. i acted as a murderer, cy the victim, her br0 the eye-witness. LOL !! everytime see the vide0 wanna luff. hahhaha.. was really fun t0dae. l0lx. (=
Monday, December 12, 2005
hmmm. l0ng time n0 see =D let's update n0w. hahha..
saturday - hmmm.. went out wit muh family. b0ught quite a few things f0r myself. n0 nid t0 worry n0 money when g0 out wit them =X haha.. als0 b0ught a new ph0ne f0r myself. n0w bec0me samsung agn. LOL. s0 did my dad b0ught his d600. s0 co0l .. hahha. gd thing i g0rt w0rk. if n0rt cant buy. huhu. cant wait f0r the 15th. it's pay dae ! hahha. yayy. g0nna buy s0me things f0r myself. h0hos.
sunday - went out wit the 3 of them, plus alicia n cun lai. hahahaha. s0 fun. b4 meeting the sl0w poke we to0k l0tss orf ph0tos. hahhaha. caro0t s0 crazy abt x'mas tree. s0 we to0k one outside raffles city. LOL. den jus nice she g0nna be on ind0nesia channel. c0s an ind0nesian h0st interviewed her. wahahahaha. =X den we to0k pictures wit 3 f0reigners. hahaha. our new frens right caro0t ? the one beside us was s0 cute. LLOL. aiya. anywae, eu g0rt ur "diabetic" b0i le. s0 i think eu w0nt n0tice him. wahahaha. i n0e eu miss the "diabetic" pers0n. but i think eu missed mie m0re rites ? hahaha. thankiew ar. hmmm. den after tt went t0 marina bay f0r steamb0at. hehh. eat le we g0 arcade. s0 fun ! the 5 of us raced each other driving. hahha. 1st round i was last, alicia 1st ! hmph. but 2nd rnd alicia bec0me last i 1st ! =x LOL. while driving cy like mad w0man. screamin like n0body's business. hahaha. s0t one. LOL.. den after play play.. we went h0me abt 10plus. huhu. c0s nx dae all still g0rt work. huhu.
m0nday - of c0s g0 work ar. huhu. s0 sianed.. but our dae w0uld be brightened up ltr in the afterno0n. l0lx. c0s we all warm up lia0s. wit cy n her br0, n0 nid scare b0ring lah. c0s cy sure t0k crap one =X hahahaha. t0dae time seem t0 pass quickly. LOL.. very gd. we olwaes believe it's already friday =x LOLx. after w0rk g0 mit alicia pass her back things. den call mie g0 sko0l. LLOL -.- c0s 'c' gals g0rt trng. g0 thr see bball peep0. see one pers0n spoil my wh0le dae. shyt. he's a GREAT LIAR. i hate peep0 wh0 lie t0 mie. they suck ! olwaes break pr0mises de. SIAO one. pr0mise lia0 den break it. sth wr0ng wit their mind. s0 flirt s0memore. YUCKSS !!
take care all ! i miss the "black s.h.i.t" hehe ! muaakkksss. g0nna miss meng xue to0 =( rmb our last farewell dinner on wednesdae ! hahha. cya ` ((=
saturday - hmmm.. went out wit muh family. b0ught quite a few things f0r myself. n0 nid t0 worry n0 money when g0 out wit them =X haha.. als0 b0ught a new ph0ne f0r myself. n0w bec0me samsung agn. LOL. s0 did my dad b0ught his d600. s0 co0l .. hahha. gd thing i g0rt w0rk. if n0rt cant buy. huhu. cant wait f0r the 15th. it's pay dae ! hahha. yayy. g0nna buy s0me things f0r myself. h0hos.
sunday - went out wit the 3 of them, plus alicia n cun lai. hahahaha. s0 fun. b4 meeting the sl0w poke we to0k l0tss orf ph0tos. hahhaha. caro0t s0 crazy abt x'mas tree. s0 we to0k one outside raffles city. LOL. den jus nice she g0nna be on ind0nesia channel. c0s an ind0nesian h0st interviewed her. wahahahaha. =X den we to0k pictures wit 3 f0reigners. hahaha. our new frens right caro0t ? the one beside us was s0 cute. LLOL. aiya. anywae, eu g0rt ur "diabetic" b0i le. s0 i think eu w0nt n0tice him. wahahaha. i n0e eu miss the "diabetic" pers0n. but i think eu missed mie m0re rites ? hahaha. thankiew ar. hmmm. den after tt went t0 marina bay f0r steamb0at. hehh. eat le we g0 arcade. s0 fun ! the 5 of us raced each other driving. hahha. 1st round i was last, alicia 1st ! hmph. but 2nd rnd alicia bec0me last i 1st ! =x LOL. while driving cy like mad w0man. screamin like n0body's business. hahaha. s0t one. LOL.. den after play play.. we went h0me abt 10plus. huhu. c0s nx dae all still g0rt work. huhu.
m0nday - of c0s g0 work ar. huhu. s0 sianed.. but our dae w0uld be brightened up ltr in the afterno0n. l0lx. c0s we all warm up lia0s. wit cy n her br0, n0 nid scare b0ring lah. c0s cy sure t0k crap one =X hahahaha. t0dae time seem t0 pass quickly. LOL.. very gd. we olwaes believe it's already friday =x LOLx. after w0rk g0 mit alicia pass her back things. den call mie g0 sko0l. LLOL -.- c0s 'c' gals g0rt trng. g0 thr see bball peep0. see one pers0n spoil my wh0le dae. shyt. he's a GREAT LIAR. i hate peep0 wh0 lie t0 mie. they suck ! olwaes break pr0mises de. SIAO one. pr0mise lia0 den break it. sth wr0ng wit their mind. s0 flirt s0memore. YUCKSS !!
take care all ! i miss the "black s.h.i.t" hehe ! muaakkksss. g0nna miss meng xue to0 =( rmb our last farewell dinner on wednesdae ! hahha. cya ` ((=
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
huhu haha . hmmm.. l0ng time n0 use c0mp =X l0ng time i guess ? hahha. well.. lemme see wart we did. hah..
m0ndae - w0rk !! den meet m0mmy g0 home l0hs. g0 jec thr sit.. den suddenly g0rt one auntie c0me t0k to mie abt her ph0ne.. =\ den sae wanna treat mie dinner. hahhaha.. -.-" obvi0usly i turned it d0wn. huhu.
tuesdae - w0rk agnn.. s0 tired. hoh0s.. after w0rk g0 play netball at kallang.. finally g0rt a touch orf netball again. hahha.. all thanks t0 tang en ! LOL. hmmm.. played until ab0ut 9plus t0 10 ? after tat g0 haf our dinner at kfc. huhu.. reach h0me abt alm0st 12am >.< lucky n0 kaka chase mie.. hahaha. was so0ooo tired den g0 slp le..
t0dae - w0ke up s0 early agn. super tired c0s slept very late the previ0us night. den l0st my v0ice. huhu.. wanted n0rt to g0 work.. hahha. f0r the sake orf $ .. i mus ! =X l0lx.. used t0 it can le.. hurhurs. actually supp0se to be in church n0w f0r prayer meeting. aw.. i cant g0 =[ haix ! *s0 c0nfused.. being sandwiched.. >.< but br0 tan t0ld mie i will c0me to a point when i haf t0 make decisi0n which w0uldnt be very p0pular wif my frens n family. and the path t0 righteous living would be one tat very few will take.. hmmm.. and it takes mie int0 deep p0ndering ! huhu. well anyways.. it's over n0w. n0 use crying -.-" hahha..
lo0king f0rward t0 da rest orf DECEMBER !! huhu haha h0ho hehe. * all i wan f0r x'mas is my 2 fr0nt teeth =X hahahaha. carr0t, i d0n mean eu lah =\ i mean the s0ng. hahhaha.. >.<
okae. i g0 rest le.. so0oo tired. nites everybardie. takkaires. muaksss... ((=
m0ndae - w0rk !! den meet m0mmy g0 home l0hs. g0 jec thr sit.. den suddenly g0rt one auntie c0me t0k to mie abt her ph0ne.. =\ den sae wanna treat mie dinner. hahhaha.. -.-" obvi0usly i turned it d0wn. huhu.
tuesdae - w0rk agnn.. s0 tired. hoh0s.. after w0rk g0 play netball at kallang.. finally g0rt a touch orf netball again. hahha.. all thanks t0 tang en ! LOL. hmmm.. played until ab0ut 9plus t0 10 ? after tat g0 haf our dinner at kfc. huhu.. reach h0me abt alm0st 12am >.< lucky n0 kaka chase mie.. hahaha. was so0ooo tired den g0 slp le..
t0dae - w0ke up s0 early agn. super tired c0s slept very late the previ0us night. den l0st my v0ice. huhu.. wanted n0rt to g0 work.. hahha. f0r the sake orf $ .. i mus ! =X l0lx.. used t0 it can le.. hurhurs. actually supp0se to be in church n0w f0r prayer meeting. aw.. i cant g0 =[ haix ! *s0 c0nfused.. being sandwiched.. >.< but br0 tan t0ld mie i will c0me to a point when i haf t0 make decisi0n which w0uldnt be very p0pular wif my frens n family. and the path t0 righteous living would be one tat very few will take.. hmmm.. and it takes mie int0 deep p0ndering ! huhu. well anyways.. it's over n0w. n0 use crying -.-" hahha..
lo0king f0rward t0 da rest orf DECEMBER !! huhu haha h0ho hehe. * all i wan f0r x'mas is my 2 fr0nt teeth =X hahahaha. carr0t, i d0n mean eu lah =\ i mean the s0ng. hahhaha.. >.<
okae. i g0 rest le.. so0oo tired. nites everybardie. takkaires. muaksss... ((=
Sunday, December 04, 2005
yesterdae went out wif my family annd b0ught myself a mp3 ! hahhas. hmmm.. tt's my burfdae pressie fr0m my dad. (= aww.. s0 happie =X g0 out wit them s0 funny. esp my dad.. olwaes making fun. hahaha..
den after tt g0 f0r cell grp.. tt's our last cg meeting.. c0s it's g0nna multiply ~ =( huhu. s0 sad. LOL.
t0dae supposed t0 have bible study early m0rning at 9am.. but i w0ke up at 8 45 !! =\ hahhaha. in the end reach thr they g0nna end le. LOL. s0 farnie.. hahhas.. went queuein up f0r service. saw an acquaintance thr. but sadded he didnt g0 for altar call . huhu. well.. h0pe to see him in service agn ! hahhas..
after service pei ah bian awhile den g0 le. at first wanted t0 wait f0r lucas g0 off t0gether. but i guess.. she paisehh. hahahahaha.. okae lahh. g0tta st0p heree.
*caro0t : yeahh mus find 0ne dae. but n0rt sure when .. hahha. i'll TRY. rmb t0 miss mie okae ! i n0e eu miss mie m0re than i miss eu =p ehh. i d0n gossip one okae.. =X hahahaha. okae lahh. miss mie n i'll miss eu. AND.. eu all t0gether mus mus mus mus lemme n0e !! hahha. takkaire huh ! MUAKS ! ((=
den after tt g0 f0r cell grp.. tt's our last cg meeting.. c0s it's g0nna multiply ~ =( huhu. s0 sad. LOL.
t0dae supposed t0 have bible study early m0rning at 9am.. but i w0ke up at 8 45 !! =\ hahhaha. in the end reach thr they g0nna end le. LOL. s0 farnie.. hahhas.. went queuein up f0r service. saw an acquaintance thr. but sadded he didnt g0 for altar call . huhu. well.. h0pe to see him in service agn ! hahhas..
after service pei ah bian awhile den g0 le. at first wanted t0 wait f0r lucas g0 off t0gether. but i guess.. she paisehh. hahahahaha.. okae lahh. g0tta st0p heree.
*caro0t : yeahh mus find 0ne dae. but n0rt sure when .. hahha. i'll TRY. rmb t0 miss mie okae ! i n0e eu miss mie m0re than i miss eu =p ehh. i d0n gossip one okae.. =X hahahaha. okae lahh. miss mie n i'll miss eu. AND.. eu all t0gether mus mus mus mus lemme n0e !! hahha. takkaire huh ! MUAKS ! ((=
ya working is so so so boring.. hehe.. everyday i keep looking at the small little cute mickey clock on the wall .. the time seem to past very very slow.. and oso very very tiring ..
rebecca so sad.. think we cannot meet le hor ?? try to find one day okiE ? i miss u .. =) i bet u miss mi too hor ?? haha miss sitting beside mi in class rite.. n u miss the gossiping haha..
work hard in the factory wif chiewyang ar.. dun be lazy hor.. haha.. btw i repair my rollerblade le.. so ex cozt mi $50 ..
another day gone like tis.. take care everyone ][siX kaRen][
rebecca so sad.. think we cannot meet le hor ?? try to find one day okiE ? i miss u .. =) i bet u miss mi too hor ?? haha miss sitting beside mi in class rite.. n u miss the gossiping haha..
work hard in the factory wif chiewyang ar.. dun be lazy hor.. haha.. btw i repair my rollerblade le.. so ex cozt mi $50 ..
another day gone like tis.. take care everyone ][siX kaRen][
Friday, December 02, 2005
hmmm.. starting t0 get used t0 da w0rk le. LOL.. t0dae very relaxed. c0s g0rt cy's br0 to help os0 . hee. s0 fun.. see them s0 close os0.. i'm s0 envi0us. huhu.
kinda happie wif w0rk lah. g0rt ppl t0 tok t0. LOL..
s0 sad. having flo0 again. huhuu. but mus w0rk half dae tmr in 0rder t0 earn extra inc0me. h0ho !! den i can buy He Jun Xiang's vcd de . =D huhu haha hoh0 hehe.
g0tta rest le. cya. p/s : car0ot.. jia y0u !! h0pe t0 see "it" bl0ss0m !! huhu. eu n0e wart i mean bahs ? rmb t0 miss mie okaes ? and the pictures ! muaks ((=
kinda happie wif w0rk lah. g0rt ppl t0 tok t0. LOL..
s0 sad. having flo0 again. huhuu. but mus w0rk half dae tmr in 0rder t0 earn extra inc0me. h0ho !! den i can buy He Jun Xiang's vcd de . =D huhu haha hoh0 hehe.
g0tta rest le. cya. p/s : car0ot.. jia y0u !! h0pe t0 see "it" bl0ss0m !! huhu. eu n0e wart i mean bahs ? rmb t0 miss mie okaes ? and the pictures ! muaks ((=
Thursday, December 01, 2005
sianned. t0dae w0ke up s0 early.. start w0rk =\ huhu. wasnt used t0 da place at first. first time w0rk. nv w0rk b4. s0b.. kinda tiring.. hurhurr.
cant wait t0 go h0me tt time. hahha.. but it's kinda fun lahh. n0rt s0 busy n0w. s0 can relax abit. LOL.. den ab0ut 3 lidat can g0 h0me le. hahha. saw old fren in da bus. LOL. *iif eu see tis. jus wanna tell eu. eu lo0ked s0 cute !! wahahha. >.<
hmmm. reached h0me le faster g0 bathe and watch my sh0w !! hahha..
awww. t0dae finally watch finish the "devil beside eu".. it's a MUZ watch ! huhu. watched t0wards the end made mie cry =[ s0bx. first time watch sh0w cry lu. =X the sh0w's s0oo nice. and ah meng iis s0ooo hands0me !! i jus l0ve his character iin da sh0w. LOL.
after i get my pay mus g0 buy his an0ther sh0w. huhuhahaheheh0ho. i'm crazy abt him. s0 pard0n mie ! =P alrights. i g0 play game le. LOL. takkaire everyb0dy ! muaks (=
cant wait t0 go h0me tt time. hahha.. but it's kinda fun lahh. n0rt s0 busy n0w. s0 can relax abit. LOL.. den ab0ut 3 lidat can g0 h0me le. hahha. saw old fren in da bus. LOL. *iif eu see tis. jus wanna tell eu. eu lo0ked s0 cute !! wahahha. >.<
hmmm. reached h0me le faster g0 bathe and watch my sh0w !! hahha..
awww. t0dae finally watch finish the "devil beside eu".. it's a MUZ watch ! huhu. watched t0wards the end made mie cry =[ s0bx. first time watch sh0w cry lu. =X the sh0w's s0oo nice. and ah meng iis s0ooo hands0me !! i jus l0ve his character iin da sh0w. LOL.
after i get my pay mus g0 buy his an0ther sh0w. huhuhahaheheh0ho. i'm crazy abt him. s0 pard0n mie ! =P alrights. i g0 play game le. LOL. takkaire everyb0dy ! muaks (=
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
hmmm. yeahh l0hs. g0nna miss her )= b4 she g0 back mus g0 out one m0re time okaes. huhu.. ehh. i'm really very mo0dy. LOL. nvm lah. i os0 nv t0k to her.. d0n care her. hahha. ehhh. rmb t0 send mie all da pics if possible kaes. miss eu (=
p/s : happy burfdae t0 meng xue ~ muaks .
p/s : happy burfdae t0 meng xue ~ muaks .
Monday, November 28, 2005
hmmm.. t0dae.. m0rning went f0r service as usual. Ps. Phil was great (= hehh. but was really tired. LOL.. den after tat meet meng xue. 15mins late. zZ. =\ den went orchard meet the 2 other crazy gurls. hahha..
went t0 taka. saw elm0 .. s0 cute =X hee. taka kfc n0 place s0 we went t0 suntec t0 eat. huhu. den at mrt stati0n gif meng xue her prezzie. aw.. she lo0ked s0 touched. hahaha..
eat le den g0 see cy's roller blade. s0t one she.. olwaes call mie buy when i get my pay.. waste m0ney. =X wahahaha.
after tat we walked t0 esplanade. saw shufang. hahha. hmmm.. we went thr play play. d0 wart ? ask carr0t. wait i sae le she shy.. hahaha.
alrighhts. will st0p here.. takkaiires..
went t0 taka. saw elm0 .. s0 cute =X hee. taka kfc n0 place s0 we went t0 suntec t0 eat. huhu. den at mrt stati0n gif meng xue her prezzie. aw.. she lo0ked s0 touched. hahaha..
eat le den g0 see cy's roller blade. s0t one she.. olwaes call mie buy when i get my pay.. waste m0ney. =X wahahaha.
after tat we walked t0 esplanade. saw shufang. hahha. hmmm.. we went thr play play. d0 wart ? ask carr0t. wait i sae le she shy.. hahaha.
alrighhts. will st0p here.. takkaiires..
Saturday, November 26, 2005
hmmm. ytd grad nightt.. huhu. kinda b0ring.. but abit sad. hahhaha.. den the 3 crazy gurls sang n danced f0r da perf0rmance. i'm their ch0reographer right car0ot ? hahhax. =X overall was gd. thumbs up f0r eu all ! hahha. the night ended ab0ut 9plus ? to0k ph0tos, cry, luff, n everything ! hahha. after tat.. went t0 alicia's h0use.. stay overnight =X den i watched vcd.. aw. fell in l0ve wit the sh0w.. so0oo sweet ! huhu. g0rt hands0mme b0ys os0. p/s : car0ot, d0n jeal0us okie.. ur fav gal in the sh0w very cute. LOL.
slpt arnd 2plus. actually wanna watch s0me more de. but alicia's bed s0 comfy. cann0rt get up. LOL.. den t0day mornin w0ke up watch s0memore lu. den ab0ut 1plus g0 lot1 eat breakfast cum lunch. hehh. i miss h0meeee s0 went h0me after tt. hehe.. g0nna watch the sh0w n0w.
takkaires` <3
slpt arnd 2plus. actually wanna watch s0me more de. but alicia's bed s0 comfy. cann0rt get up. LOL.. den t0day mornin w0ke up watch s0memore lu. den ab0ut 1plus g0 lot1 eat breakfast cum lunch. hehh. i miss h0meeee s0 went h0me after tt. hehe.. g0nna watch the sh0w n0w.
takkaires` <3
Friday, November 25, 2005
huhu. i'm early `! ((=
hmmm. ytd, went orchard wit 3 crazy ppl l0hs. huhu. but they weren't as crazy as b4. maybe they bec0me matured ? d0n think s0. they act only =X hahha. kidding lahh. they all old le. i still y0ung. cann0rt blame.. huhu. den we walked walked n walked, bought mie n chiew yang's stuffs at far east. hahha . den g0 heerens anyh0w walk. huhu. ab0ut 4plus we g0 off lu. they g0 practice their perf0rmance =x i g0 meet ah bian. hahahaha.
actually meet her 5 15 de l0hs. den afta tat say 5 30.. nvm~ i wait f0r her. den wait awhile, saw stanley. he lo0ks s0............(dunno h0w to describe) when he nv smile. hahahaha. t0t he can wait t0gether wit mie f0r binn yi. but he said it's to0 late !! hahha. s0 sad. huhu. den we reached church ab0ut 6 loes. saw stanley first in queue. wahahaha. tt explains y he cann0rt wait. LOL.
the wh0le seminar ended ab0ut 11plus.. reached hm 12.. lucky david sent us h0me !! if n0rt i'll be h0me at 12plus. huhu. so0 tired, but i couldn't slp ! hahha. LOL. nvm.. wont get panda eyes.. like caro0t's =X hahhaha.
k lahh. i st0p here. g0nna meet 2 crazy gurls later. iif n0rt wait i late they blame mie =\ LOL. takkaireeee, e one wh0's reading tis ! hehee. God bless you !! (=
hmmm. ytd, went orchard wit 3 crazy ppl l0hs. huhu. but they weren't as crazy as b4. maybe they bec0me matured ? d0n think s0. they act only =X hahha. kidding lahh. they all old le. i still y0ung. cann0rt blame.. huhu. den we walked walked n walked, bought mie n chiew yang's stuffs at far east. hahha . den g0 heerens anyh0w walk. huhu. ab0ut 4plus we g0 off lu. they g0 practice their perf0rmance =x i g0 meet ah bian. hahahaha.
actually meet her 5 15 de l0hs. den afta tat say 5 30.. nvm~ i wait f0r her. den wait awhile, saw stanley. he lo0ks s0............(dunno h0w to describe) when he nv smile. hahahaha. t0t he can wait t0gether wit mie f0r binn yi. but he said it's to0 late !! hahha. s0 sad. huhu. den we reached church ab0ut 6 loes. saw stanley first in queue. wahahaha. tt explains y he cann0rt wait. LOL.
the wh0le seminar ended ab0ut 11plus.. reached hm 12.. lucky david sent us h0me !! if n0rt i'll be h0me at 12plus. huhu. so0 tired, but i couldn't slp ! hahha. LOL. nvm.. wont get panda eyes.. like caro0t's =X hahhaha.
k lahh. i st0p here. g0nna meet 2 crazy gurls later. iif n0rt wait i late they blame mie =\ LOL. takkaireeee, e one wh0's reading tis ! hehee. God bless you !! (=
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
hmm. t0day caro0t brought mie t0 eat mr prata. LOL. very nice and cheap. nx time can g0 thr eat. hahaha.. den i was s0 thirsty.. she ask mie drink rain water. s0 SAD ! huhu.
YAY. finally o'levels finished !! heh. can enj0y le. after paper went t0 highlight hair wit chiew yang at her c0usin's place. her place's really like sal0n. hahax. den was deciding wart c0lour t0 highlight. finally decided on one. but.. while she was highlightin i was kind orf regretted t0 cho0se tt c0lour. c0s scare will lo0k like ah lian.. LOL. but it turned out t0 be OK! hahha. quite satisfied wit it lahh. thanks t0 cy's c0usin. h0ho. den cy highlight red. very nice under da light. LOL. s0 stylo.. hehheh.
hmmm. yay tmr meeting 3 crazy ppl g0 shoppin. hoh0ho. s0 nice.. finally g0t to g0 out wit them. hee.. after tat still g0rt ta g0 church at nite. g0nna be a tiring day tmr. huhu.
quite tired n0w. g0nna rest so0n.. coldy c0ld nitex. rmb c0ver blanket d= hee.
YAY. finally o'levels finished !! heh. can enj0y le. after paper went t0 highlight hair wit chiew yang at her c0usin's place. her place's really like sal0n. hahax. den was deciding wart c0lour t0 highlight. finally decided on one. but.. while she was highlightin i was kind orf regretted t0 cho0se tt c0lour. c0s scare will lo0k like ah lian.. LOL. but it turned out t0 be OK! hahha. quite satisfied wit it lahh. thanks t0 cy's c0usin. h0ho. den cy highlight red. very nice under da light. LOL. s0 stylo.. hehheh.
hmmm. yay tmr meeting 3 crazy ppl g0 shoppin. hoh0ho. s0 nice.. finally g0t to g0 out wit them. hee.. after tat still g0rt ta g0 church at nite. g0nna be a tiring day tmr. huhu.
quite tired n0w. g0nna rest so0n.. coldy c0ld nitex. rmb c0ver blanket d= hee.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
hmmm. t0day.. supp0sed t0 mit binn yi at 2. bec0me meet at 3. hahha.. den take 105 ta orchard. alighted at far east.. g0 shop ! LLOL. walked f0r da wh0le day. leg s0 tired.. LOL. den we met anni, the black w0man at pacific plaza, ripcurl ! hahha. den in the end we 3 walked t0gethers l0h. s0 long n0 go out wit her. missed her ((= LOL.. den mie and anni wanted t0 buy shirrt. i think she buy f0r her darling lahh.. hahhaha. but we b0th were d0wn in luck. HUHU. sadded. nvm.. nx time bring mommie g0 with mie. den she can buy f0r mie.. wahaha. s0 sly.. >.<
hmmm. finally.. t0moro last paper le !! after paper g0nna g0 highlight hair wit CY. hahha. s0 sad. karen n meng xue g0rt to dec0rate da hall =X think car00ot g0nna miss mie rights ? i n0e =) hee. bef0re paper muz replenish our energy. s0 caro0t's bringgin mie to eat mr prata ! hahha. she say i've t0 sling a water b0ttle like a.... -.-" hahha. if n0rt no water t0 drink. LOL.
alrights. will st0p here. muz g0 revise a little.. WILL I ? hahha. i'll try t0. hee. all da best everyb0die ! muakx .
hmmm. finally.. t0moro last paper le !! after paper g0nna g0 highlight hair wit CY. hahha. s0 sad. karen n meng xue g0rt to dec0rate da hall =X think car00ot g0nna miss mie rights ? i n0e =) hee. bef0re paper muz replenish our energy. s0 caro0t's bringgin mie to eat mr prata ! hahha. she say i've t0 sling a water b0ttle like a.... -.-" hahha. if n0rt no water t0 drink. LOL.
alrights. will st0p here. muz g0 revise a little.. WILL I ? hahha. i'll try t0. hee. all da best everyb0die ! muakx .
Saturday, November 19, 2005
yal0hs. eu said g0 out wiit mie very lucky.. see lah `! d0wan g0 wit mie lah ~ cann0rt see them. muahahaha .. =X aww. yeahh.. missing him n0w. he's s0 cute. the way he said hi t0 mie. muahahahaha .. =P k lahh. d0n make eu jeal0us. nx time we see guo pin chao i help eu k -.- *muz wait l0ng l0ng =x hee
Friday, November 18, 2005
hmmm. t0day finally n0 paper.. w0ke up ab0ut 9plus. hee ! can relax.. den mie and meng xue met t0 go our malay classmate's h0use f0r hari raya ? hahhaa. s0 niice. but we were s0 paiseh. efa's mum co0ked s0 well.. the fo0d was simply delici0us ! LOL. well.. after eating we sat d0wn.. and to0k l0tsa ph0tos. hehh.. all orf them were s0 pretty iin their c0stume.. l0lx..
den mie and meng xue decided t0 go burlingt0n square buy her pink casing.. all thanx t0 mie i br0ught her there ! hahha.. hmmm. den after buy casing g0 sim lim c0s meng xue wanna see mp3.. and.. we were really glad we went iin there ! we went t0 a sh0p n the uncle was s0 weird but farnie ~ -.-" hahhaha. den .. s0meb0dy suddenly sho0k hand wit e uncle.. to0k a glance n i didnt realised it was lin junjie ! HAHA. den the uncle bring lin junjie's hand t0 shake muh hand.. =\ and hhe said she's ur new gf n0w. wahahaha.. -.-" den junyang p0pped up n i lo0ked at him.. and he waved saying hi! HAHAHA.. he was sooooooo cuuuuttee !! didnt n0e it was them at first. =\ hahhaha..
den we went out orf da sh0p, regrettin n0rt takin ph0tos wit them. LOL.. den meng xue cant stand it.. she g0 ask t0 take ph0to .. AWW. they'rre s0 cuuutte. esp junyang =)) hahahha..
olriite ..
shall st0p here..
g0nna watch tv lers..
takkaire everyb0dy !
p/s : carrooot, i'll miss eu. LOL ! muakx :))
den mie and meng xue decided t0 go burlingt0n square buy her pink casing.. all thanx t0 mie i br0ught her there ! hahha.. hmmm. den after buy casing g0 sim lim c0s meng xue wanna see mp3.. and.. we were really glad we went iin there ! we went t0 a sh0p n the uncle was s0 weird but farnie ~ -.-" hahhaha. den .. s0meb0dy suddenly sho0k hand wit e uncle.. to0k a glance n i didnt realised it was lin junjie ! HAHA. den the uncle bring lin junjie's hand t0 shake muh hand.. =\ and hhe said she's ur new gf n0w. wahahaha.. -.-" den junyang p0pped up n i lo0ked at him.. and he waved saying hi! HAHAHA.. he was sooooooo cuuuuttee !! didnt n0e it was them at first. =\ hahhaha..
den we went out orf da sh0p, regrettin n0rt takin ph0tos wit them. LOL.. den meng xue cant stand it.. she g0 ask t0 take ph0to .. AWW. they'rre s0 cuuutte. esp junyang =)) hahahha..
olriite ..
shall st0p here..
g0nna watch tv lers..
takkaire everyb0dy !
p/s : carrooot, i'll miss eu. LOL ! muakx :))
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
finnaly everything ggoin to end soon.. so nicee !! studying so hard for these few.. just one more paper to go.. soon we are leaving the school .. we will sure miss our days together rite ?? hehe.. make sure u agree wif mi ..!!!time reali flies.. until today i haf met alot alot of different kind of ppl .. wat make mi hate most are liars .. i reali dun understand why some ppl must lie ??? haiz.. anyway just be yrself tat is the best rite ? don haf to show off wat u do ma.. hehe.. i think i toking nonsense.. take care everyboday .. tata ][karen'six][
Saturday, November 05, 2005
hmmm.. t0day wennt out t0 stardee wit her andd him. LOL.. s0o fun :)) *w0nt f0rget t0day de`! wahahahaa.. den mie and her was liike d0in da f0rfeit thingy agaiin.. haHha.. ii'm da 0ne getting so0 many f0rfeits -.-" den was ss0 paiiseh. guess tat pers0n os0 very paiiseh .. HAHA. nvm.. c0s i'm able t0 *see hipp0s fly ! =D haHha..
and she was like buying so0 mani l0llipops. crazy one huh =x but i b0ught a few myself. LOL.. influenced by her.. hurhurr. den she to0k so many pics wit her so0o-many lollip0ps. hahha.. s0metiimes will t0u tou takke the other pers0n. =X but he's liike s0o stressed !! haHha. so0 po0r thingy.. LOL. go0d thing s0metimes i g0 tok t0 him.. =D but think he's very paiseh. muahahaa.. but nvm. ttz CUTE. lolx..
den stardee abt 2.. till 8.30 !! hurhur. stardee until my eyes wanna cl0se =X den theyy were discussin whr t0 eat dinner. so0 cute =x she wanted ta g0 je. but he d0esnt want t0. l0lx.. after much persuasi0n n talking, he decided t0 go. *miracle =x LOL.. but tat was great ! :) annd s0 we went f0r dinner ~
tat was a grreaaaat day. LOL.. h0pe to stardee wiit them again !! n i meant them ! c0z it's s0 co0l~ LOL. alriights.. will st0p here. tom0ro gotta stardee wiit her but with0ut him. =[ so sAd huh. hahha.. *JIA YOU ! :)) - <3 +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
and she was like buying so0 mani l0llipops. crazy one huh =x but i b0ught a few myself. LOL.. influenced by her.. hurhurr. den she to0k so many pics wit her so0o-many lollip0ps. hahha.. s0metiimes will t0u tou takke the other pers0n. =X but he's liike s0o stressed !! haHha. so0 po0r thingy.. LOL. go0d thing s0metimes i g0 tok t0 him.. =D but think he's very paiseh. muahahaa.. but nvm. ttz CUTE. lolx..
den stardee abt 2.. till 8.30 !! hurhur. stardee until my eyes wanna cl0se =X den theyy were discussin whr t0 eat dinner. so0 cute =x she wanted ta g0 je. but he d0esnt want t0. l0lx.. after much persuasi0n n talking, he decided t0 go. *miracle =x LOL.. but tat was great ! :) annd s0 we went f0r dinner ~
tat was a grreaaaat day. LOL.. h0pe to stardee wiit them again !! n i meant them ! c0z it's s0 co0l~ LOL. alriights.. will st0p here. tom0ro gotta stardee wiit her but with0ut him. =[ so sAd huh. hahha.. *JIA YOU ! :)) - <3 +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Friday, November 04, 2005
hmmm.. t0day slept till alm0st 1.. =X l0lx.. s0 shii0k.. haHha.. nort long after binnyi reached muh h0use le. s0 fastt.. LOL. den giive her eat free fo0d. hhahaha.. n0 lah. my gramma co0ked.. l0lx.. den after tat start studying lahh.. study SS. den binn yi at there knit a pouch f0r my hp. hahha.. s0 swiit orf her ;p
but guess wart. we were distracted by thhe lapt0p and tv ! HAHA.. den ab0ut 4plus binn yi g0rt e sudden urge t0 eat chiips.. s0 we went t0 buy l0hs -.-" hahha.. c0me back watch dvd - the l0ngest yard. niice sh0w. very farnie.. hHAhha..
s0 sad. e316's bbq t0day we cant g0.. hurhur. den binnyi at there sianed. LOL..
anyway.. she stayed at my place till ab0ut 10 l0hs.. c0z she cant resiist the tv ? HAhaa.. t0mor0 will be studying wiit binn yi againn.. hurhur th0u it'z abit to0 late =\ n0 choiice lah. LOL..
alriights. will st0p here lahh. g0 chat lia0x.. hee.. ~ *SMILE :)) taTa~
but guess wart. we were distracted by thhe lapt0p and tv ! HAHA.. den ab0ut 4plus binn yi g0rt e sudden urge t0 eat chiips.. s0 we went t0 buy l0hs -.-" hahha.. c0me back watch dvd - the l0ngest yard. niice sh0w. very farnie.. hHAhha..
s0 sad. e316's bbq t0day we cant g0.. hurhur. den binnyi at there sianed. LOL..
anyway.. she stayed at my place till ab0ut 10 l0hs.. c0z she cant resiist the tv ? HAhaa.. t0mor0 will be studying wiit binn yi againn.. hurhur th0u it'z abit to0 late =\ n0 choiice lah. LOL..
alriights. will st0p here lahh. g0 chat lia0x.. hee.. ~ *SMILE :)) taTa~
Thursday, November 03, 2005
hehhhh. t0day.. went out wiit ah bian g0 stardee. 4h0urs !! hahha. fiirst time.. but stardee SS one chapter onli.. ZZz. but better den n0think lahhs. hee..
den binn yi t0t of an idea t0 stardee l0hs. c0z she to0 bored lia0s.. hahha. but her idea was fun lah.. - was supp0se to test each other of wat we studied.. den if wr0ng ans muz d0 one f0rfeit. hahhah.. shit. i g0rt 3wr0ngs l0h.. hurhur. she g0rt 2 -.-" den make mie d0 things tt made mie s0 paiseh !! grr. o ya. omg.. i called s0meone on e ph0ne as one of my f0rfeit. l0lx.. s0 co0l. he piicked up ! l0l.. t0t he w0nt. - given his character.. hahha.. very fun. =X we'll c0ntinue t0mor0 de.. LOL. stardee until abt 7 lidat g0 hab dinner l0hs.. den afta tAt g0 home.. raiiny night. hahha..
biinn yi nearly f0rgot to press e bell n alight.. God n0es wat she's thinking. hahhaha.. actually i os0 n0e. she's thinking of..... L.... hahha. SHH. later she sc0ld mie. l0lx ~ alriight.. will st0p here le. yawnns. taTa ~ :))
den binn yi t0t of an idea t0 stardee l0hs. c0z she to0 bored lia0s.. hahha. but her idea was fun lah.. - was supp0se to test each other of wat we studied.. den if wr0ng ans muz d0 one f0rfeit. hahhah.. shit. i g0rt 3wr0ngs l0h.. hurhur. she g0rt 2 -.-" den make mie d0 things tt made mie s0 paiseh !! grr. o ya. omg.. i called s0meone on e ph0ne as one of my f0rfeit. l0lx.. s0 co0l. he piicked up ! l0l.. t0t he w0nt. - given his character.. hahha.. very fun. =X we'll c0ntinue t0mor0 de.. LOL. stardee until abt 7 lidat g0 hab dinner l0hs.. den afta tAt g0 home.. raiiny night. hahha..
biinn yi nearly f0rgot to press e bell n alight.. God n0es wat she's thinking. hahhaha.. actually i os0 n0e. she's thinking of..... L.... hahha. SHH. later she sc0ld mie. l0lx ~ alriight.. will st0p here le. yawnns. taTa ~ :))
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
hmmm .. tiime ta update da bloggie =))
saturday - ermm.. went out wit my family as usual iin e m0rning.. den we went to shaw centre.. saw adrian pang and th0mas ong `!!! hahha. th0mas ong was al0ne n he's so0ooo co0l n hands0me ~ l0lx. den my sis n0rt purposely say hiis name.. he turned back and saiid hi `!! awwww.. soo cuutex `! l0lx..
den afta tat went to meet them f0r our cg's bbq.. was really fun.. hehex ~ plus all da games we had.. *co0oool `! l0lx..
sunday (whiich is t0day lah) :)) - went f0r serviice as usual.. hehex.. afta serviice went to hab lunch den we went ta play bball ~ hehex.. very fun.. saw them play bball.. den mis n ah biian os0 played awhiile. hahhax.. n i was ...... erm.. doin s0mething.. don tell eu all. i shy... later my secret exp0sed.. =X hahhaha. afta playiing went t0 da church cafe.. sat there n slacked.. hahha.. den abt 7plus g0 home n0r.. l0lx..
and den i st0p here n0rr.. =D
HAHA :)) o'levels coming. i'm DEAD. hahhaha .. ~
saturday - ermm.. went out wit my family as usual iin e m0rning.. den we went to shaw centre.. saw adrian pang and th0mas ong `!!! hahha. th0mas ong was al0ne n he's so0ooo co0l n hands0me ~ l0lx. den my sis n0rt purposely say hiis name.. he turned back and saiid hi `!! awwww.. soo cuutex `! l0lx..
den afta tat went to meet them f0r our cg's bbq.. was really fun.. hehex ~ plus all da games we had.. *co0oool `! l0lx..
sunday (whiich is t0day lah) :)) - went f0r serviice as usual.. hehex.. afta serviice went to hab lunch den we went ta play bball ~ hehex.. very fun.. saw them play bball.. den mis n ah biian os0 played awhiile. hahhax.. n i was ...... erm.. doin s0mething.. don tell eu all. i shy... later my secret exp0sed.. =X hahhaha. afta playiing went t0 da church cafe.. sat there n slacked.. hahha.. den abt 7plus g0 home n0r.. l0lx..
and den i st0p here n0rr.. =D
HAHA :)) o'levels coming. i'm DEAD. hahhaha .. ~
Thursday, October 27, 2005
chao rabbit =p heh hehh.. t0dai attendance was only 5 ? out 20 -.- hahha.. co0l~ l0lx. afta ss peri0d we went ta library l0ok f0r bks f0r our art.. haHha. saw a man weariing tights ? hahhHahhahaHHa =X k lahh.. let's n0rt tok abt tat -.-" haHha
well.. cha0 carrot saw a cuute b0i.. hAHha.. she's MAD. l0l.. but t one cann0rt compare to.. *i n0e who ;p anyb0dy n0e? ahhhh HAha.. eu alL dunn0 rite ? i n0e =D
alriights. she'll think i'm mad here.. but i'm n0rt.. haHha..
den afta tat saw an0ther cuute guy at da mrt stati0n.. haHha. tell her i n0e him she don believe `! HA! she muz be jealous. -.- btw jeal0us for wat huh ? eu g0rt the "da" ? LOL.
k lahhs. don make fun of carr0t le.. waiit she sad. den muz sayang her.. al0rta trouble one.. hahhax. =x
hmmm.. guess to0m0ro wont be goin ta sko0l bahs. s0 boring~ hahhas.. stay at h0me watch dvds loh.. n ROT . :D wont b seein muh frenz till o's.. hahha . take care everybardie `!
MUAKX. :))
well.. cha0 carrot saw a cuute b0i.. hAHha.. she's MAD. l0l.. but t one cann0rt compare to.. *i n0e who ;p anyb0dy n0e? ahhhh HAha.. eu alL dunn0 rite ? i n0e =D
alriights. she'll think i'm mad here.. but i'm n0rt.. haHha..
den afta tat saw an0ther cuute guy at da mrt stati0n.. haHha. tell her i n0e him she don believe `! HA! she muz be jealous. -.- btw jeal0us for wat huh ? eu g0rt the "da" ? LOL.
k lahhs. don make fun of carr0t le.. waiit she sad. den muz sayang her.. al0rta trouble one.. hahhax. =x
hmmm.. guess to0m0ro wont be goin ta sko0l bahs. s0 boring~ hahhas.. stay at h0me watch dvds loh.. n ROT . :D wont b seein muh frenz till o's.. hahha . take care everybardie `!
MUAKX. :))
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
stop calling mi chao carrot..*beccaraBBit* =P now i update k .. miss mi issit ?? haha.. ~missing[eu]~ hu u miss ?? haha y i dunno.. ^^ ??
so fast we are goin to leave school.. tis week will be our last lessons.. i will miss yr teeth hurhur.. but dun make it a habit ar.. if not next time u go poly ppl will look at u in a wierd way.. hahaa
o level is coming.. scary .. but i still lazy to study.. so sian .. i just feel like sleeping haha.. k i shall stop here .. tata ][six`karen][
so fast we are goin to leave school.. tis week will be our last lessons.. i will miss yr teeth hurhur.. but dun make it a habit ar.. if not next time u go poly ppl will look at u in a wierd way.. hahaa
o level is coming.. scary .. but i still lazy to study.. so sian .. i just feel like sleeping haha.. k i shall stop here .. tata ][six`karen][
Monday, October 24, 2005
hmmm .. went out wiit muh family.. so0 niice . hee.. went t0 see daddy's goin-to-be BMW.. hahha .. althou it's da same as the present one, but it's nice als0 lah.. except f0r diff face lift only.. hehh.. co0l`! inssiide g0rt dvd ta watch .. l0lx .. nxtiime g0 msiia n0 need ta scare boring` hahax.. hmmm.. den after tat went ta my aunt's hse.. s0 tired tat i fell asleep there.. l0lx.
hmmm.. den afta tat ar.. went ta my mom's fren's place lahh.. at sengkang. hahax.. niice hse there >.< think afta tat we went back hm lahhs.. den g0 hm fasta g0 bathe n den drop my head onto the pill0w liaos.. l0lx .
alriights will st0p here lahhs. borriing... ~ missing [eu] .. =]
hmmm.. den afta tat ar.. went ta my mom's fren's place lahh.. at sengkang. hahax.. niice hse there >.< think afta tat we went back hm lahhs.. den g0 hm fasta g0 bathe n den drop my head onto the pill0w liaos.. l0lx .
alriights will st0p here lahhs. borriing... ~ missing [eu] .. =]
Friday, October 21, 2005
hmm .. long time no update le.. hehh .. boriing ~ karen's olwaes n0rt updatin -.- bleahh . hmmm .. let's see wat i've been doing tis wk ? ehh .. nothin much als0 ehh .. monday.. holiday .. hahax .. gd f0r us th0u.. hmmm .. went out wit alicia .. >.< den wait for her mama car wanted ta g0 hm .. l0lx .. den her br0 is sickk .. so sad `!! hurhur .. den acc hiim g0 see doc le den g0 hab dinner wit her family .. hahax .. so paiiseh . but they were s0oo niice . l0lx .. alicia's s0 fortunate `!! hahasx .. den next day .. sko0l ! hurhur
whole day was art .. except last 2 periods engg .. l0lx .. so0 fun .. we played card games .. old maid, snap, blah blah .. all pri sko0l games .. -.- l0lx `! but so0 fun lah plus th0se forfeitts.. l0lx . hmmm after tat we g0 send our o'level art pieces .. saw other skools' .. so niice .. l0lx .. lost c0nfidence liaos .. l0lx .. hmmm den after tat in da bus sth s0 farnie happened .. so00o laaammmee .. hahax ..
well .. practical's t0day .. it's OK i guess .. haha .. c0s jus nice we did it once b4 .. hahha . praise the Lord ` =)) ok .. tomoro's another boring dayy.. hurhur .. n0 choiice ..
alrighhtss.. i'll stop heree.. s0 boring .. hehex .. *chao carr0t .. ur turn ta update .. l0lx ..
<3` +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
whole day was art .. except last 2 periods engg .. l0lx .. so0 fun .. we played card games .. old maid, snap, blah blah .. all pri sko0l games .. -.- l0lx `! but so0 fun lah plus th0se forfeitts.. l0lx . hmmm after tat we g0 send our o'level art pieces .. saw other skools' .. so niice .. l0lx .. lost c0nfidence liaos .. l0lx .. hmmm den after tat in da bus sth s0 farnie happened .. so00o laaammmee .. hahax ..
well .. practical's t0day .. it's OK i guess .. haha .. c0s jus nice we did it once b4 .. hahha . praise the Lord ` =)) ok .. tomoro's another boring dayy.. hurhur .. n0 choiice ..
alrighhtss.. i'll stop heree.. s0 boring .. hehex .. *chao carr0t .. ur turn ta update .. l0lx ..
<3` +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
l0ng tiime n0 update . hahha .. well , past few days .. wat diid i d0 ? hahha . -msia `!! =p
hmm .. went there f0r wedding dinner - air stewardess n pilot . s0 co0l .. so pretty n hands0me` l0lx ! went there on the saturday ..
wat did we d0 thr huh .. i think n0think much . jus sit at homee.. haha . gd os0.. c0s msia nuthink ta walk one . hahha .. watch tv , play ps . hahha . . den at nite adults start ta drink ` .. wanted ta j0in but went to da nite market wit my couzies insteaad .
next day we went t0 nando's t0 hab lunch ` s0 niicee .. -xtra spiccy chicken . l0lx `!
den evening everyb0dy getting ready f0r da dinner . guess wat ? i hab t0 bathe last `!! hahha . c0s everyone's s0 scared o mie .. c0z i need longer time t0 bath than any n0rmal pers0n does =x well . tt nite was c0ol ..
and there g0es my 3-days trip in msia . hahha .. miss them th0u . hehe
time t0 g0 back ta sko0l ~`!!
<3 +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
hmm .. went there f0r wedding dinner - air stewardess n pilot . s0 co0l .. so pretty n hands0me` l0lx ! went there on the saturday ..
wat did we d0 thr huh .. i think n0think much . jus sit at homee.. haha . gd os0.. c0s msia nuthink ta walk one . hahha .. watch tv , play ps . hahha . . den at nite adults start ta drink ` .. wanted ta j0in but went to da nite market wit my couzies insteaad .
next day we went t0 nando's t0 hab lunch ` s0 niicee .. -xtra spiccy chicken . l0lx `!
den evening everyb0dy getting ready f0r da dinner . guess wat ? i hab t0 bathe last `!! hahha . c0s everyone's s0 scared o mie .. c0z i need longer time t0 bath than any n0rmal pers0n does =x well . tt nite was c0ol ..
and there g0es my 3-days trip in msia . hahha .. miss them th0u . hehe
time t0 g0 back ta sko0l ~`!!
<3 +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Thursday, September 29, 2005
hmmm .. hahha yahs .. baking's gd .. l0lx .. all the hard w0rk .. put int0 peep0's mouth .. l0lx .. `
and ar .. tat carr0t .. olwaes seducing my parr0t.. wahahha `! but to0 bad my parr0t onli lurves mie.. ;p l0lx .
heh .. g0rt my new ph0ne todae .. =p s0 happiies . hahha .. but g0rt back one o my results .. s0 saddening . failed by few marks .. hurhur ='( nvm lahs . cann0rt blame .. prelims n0 study .. - results sure louchap. l0lx `!
hmmm .. okai . i'll st0p here .. hurhur . p/s : very angry ar t0day some0ne call mie shuddap .. hurhurhur .. =' d0wan help tt pers0n already . bleahhx `!! >.<
<3` +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
and ar .. tat carr0t .. olwaes seducing my parr0t.. wahahha `! but to0 bad my parr0t onli lurves mie.. ;p l0lx .
heh .. g0rt my new ph0ne todae .. =p s0 happiies . hahha .. but g0rt back one o my results .. s0 saddening . failed by few marks .. hurhur ='( nvm lahs . cann0rt blame .. prelims n0 study .. - results sure louchap. l0lx `!
hmmm .. okai . i'll st0p here .. hurhur . p/s : very angry ar t0day some0ne call mie shuddap .. hurhurhur .. =' d0wan help tt pers0n already . bleahhx `!! >.<
<3` +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
+chaO ah kai keep asking mi update.. HuRhur.. got blog no tell mi+
fun fun .. baking is soo fun.. hehe.. hope i didn't mess up your house.. =Pp but is tiring too, stand for too long.. and the flour.. wah take me so long to sleve .. but is still worth it in the end.. the cookies taste quite nice =D
''NICko nickO'' tat is becca parrot .. it kkeep on toking to itself.. haha.. but is cute .. i miss yr parrot.. btw is male or female ar?? haha..
tis few days so stress for prelim .. study like nth go in .. finally is over.. yeah!! can relax for awhile..
haiz.. another day gone .. time reali flies.. got to go to school tml again .. so sian .. k i shall stop here... time for dinner.. tata ][siX`karen][
fun fun .. baking is soo fun.. hehe.. hope i didn't mess up your house.. =Pp but is tiring too, stand for too long.. and the flour.. wah take me so long to sleve .. but is still worth it in the end.. the cookies taste quite nice =D
''NICko nickO'' tat is becca parrot .. it kkeep on toking to itself.. haha.. but is cute .. i miss yr parrot.. btw is male or female ar?? haha..
tis few days so stress for prelim .. study like nth go in .. finally is over.. yeah!! can relax for awhile..
haiz.. another day gone .. time reali flies.. got to go to school tml again .. so sian .. k i shall stop here... time for dinner.. tata ][siX`karen][
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
i n0e lah.. very l0ng no update le .. haHaz olwaes mie updating -.- hurhur.. cant update much lahs.. c0s of exAmz anD oso my c0mp's siicK.. s0 sad.. h0pe it gets welL so0n .. hurhurr..
hmMm .. last wK s0 "stress" .. ! hahha .. preliims .. didnt stardee at all =x "stress" bec0s i dunn0 h0w to do all questi0ns .. l0lx ! *actually n0w i oso very stress.. c0s carr0t's s0 weird .. carryinG her "joj0" around like a real babiie -.-" .. hahhahax :x
hmMm .. als0 sth happened tiis wk .. my preci0us phone's l0st `!! soBb .. so0 saddening eu n0e .. ='( h0pe i can get tAt ph0ne s0mewhEre tis wk .. c0s i missed iT al0rt .. hurhur .. but i've f0rgiven tat s0meone .. f0r losting my ph0ne .. c0s he's afterall my fren right ? hehex ..
k lahhs .. g0tta g0 for practical so0n .. hahhax . gd luck t0 mie `! =)) and carr0t .. ! hahax .. *anD th0se taking practical today lahs .. hahhax .
hmMm .. last wK s0 "stress" .. ! hahha .. preliims .. didnt stardee at all =x "stress" bec0s i dunn0 h0w to do all questi0ns .. l0lx ! *actually n0w i oso very stress.. c0s carr0t's s0 weird .. carryinG her "joj0" around like a real babiie -.-" .. hahhahax :x
hmMm .. als0 sth happened tiis wk .. my preci0us phone's l0st `!! soBb .. so0 saddening eu n0e .. ='( h0pe i can get tAt ph0ne s0mewhEre tis wk .. c0s i missed iT al0rt .. hurhur .. but i've f0rgiven tat s0meone .. f0r losting my ph0ne .. c0s he's afterall my fren right ? hehex ..
k lahhs .. g0tta g0 for practical so0n .. hahhax . gd luck t0 mie `! =)) and carr0t .. ! hahax .. *anD th0se taking practical today lahs .. hahhax .
Saturday, September 10, 2005
haiix .. let's hoppe eu can get outta tiis mess soon `! i'll olwaes be there for eu thou, carrot ! hehex .. muakx* ! !
hmmm .. well.. today went to ms chng's or rather mrs kuan's house.. baking ! hahha .. tt was kinda fun actually.. baking cup cakes, cookies n biscuits.. lolx .. messing the whole kitchen .. hahha .. poor mrs kuan .. gotta clean it =x Lolx..
annd we ate them for our lunch .. hahax .. but mrs kuan g0rt bake chicken wings oso lah .. *delicious.. !
after tat watch tv .. hhaha .. so shiok.. lurve her sofa ! hahha .. so niice tat i fell asleep .. zZz .. hehh.. woke up .. n still kinda slpy.. but its tiime to go for diiner .. hehh . went to gek poh . quite al0rt of food ordered . but managed to finish it ` hahha ..
and onne sad thing is .. my watch broke !! arrrgghh .. sso sad .. ='( cant live w/o a watch `!! hurhur.. gd thing binn yi's willing to lend mie hers .. hehe .. !
olriite .. tmr she gotta come my hse bake cake agn .. hope she doesnt mess my kitchen `!! -.- hahax ..
haiix .. `kinda dislikes those peepo who doesnt hab feelings .. liike a stone .. ! eu noe ? or liike a wood .. -.- haiix .. nehmind lah .. i don care now oso .. and i lurvve my frenz very much `!! treasure them ~! =]
hmmm .. well.. today went to ms chng's or rather mrs kuan's house.. baking ! hahha .. tt was kinda fun actually.. baking cup cakes, cookies n biscuits.. lolx .. messing the whole kitchen .. hahha .. poor mrs kuan .. gotta clean it =x Lolx..
annd we ate them for our lunch .. hahax .. but mrs kuan g0rt bake chicken wings oso lah .. *delicious.. !
after tat watch tv .. hhaha .. so shiok.. lurve her sofa ! hahha .. so niice tat i fell asleep .. zZz .. hehh.. woke up .. n still kinda slpy.. but its tiime to go for diiner .. hehh . went to gek poh . quite al0rt of food ordered . but managed to finish it ` hahha ..
and onne sad thing is .. my watch broke !! arrrgghh .. sso sad .. ='( cant live w/o a watch `!! hurhur.. gd thing binn yi's willing to lend mie hers .. hehe .. !
olriite .. tmr she gotta come my hse bake cake agn .. hope she doesnt mess my kitchen `!! -.- hahax ..
haiix .. `kinda dislikes those peepo who doesnt hab feelings .. liike a stone .. ! eu noe ? or liike a wood .. -.- haiix .. nehmind lah .. i don care now oso .. and i lurvve my frenz very much `!! treasure them ~! =]
Friday, September 09, 2005
thanx for yr concern .. i will be fine soon .. " Feeling unusually introverted?Feeling stuck in a moment that you can't get out of? How did you get here, anyway? This certainly isn't the destination you had in mind when you set out on this journey. Take a look around and observe the situation. Most importantly, observe yourself in the situation. The universe doesn't leave anything to chance, you know -- if you're here, there's a reason for it. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn a lesson and develop your strengths. " sounds true ar.. mayba tat is wat i feeling now.. ][six'karen][
hmmm .. why carrot sound so sad .. =[ i'm oso sad .. *sob`! heex .. chheer up okie carrot . eu'll olwaes hab mie `! i'll be thr for eu olwaes ~ ^^ heex..
well , today g0rt evangelistic meetiing` anndd.. "yi binn wang" and alicia g0rt saved ! hehx ..
so happie for them lahs .. lolx ..
hmmm .. tmr goin ta ms chng's hse wiit binnyi .. lol ~ they gonna make cake ? O.o lolx .. i siit down thr enjoy bahs .. hahha .. hmmm.. alriite .. will stop here .. 'll be looking forward to tmr .. heh .. niites ~ =)) +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
well , today g0rt evangelistic meetiing` anndd.. "yi binn wang" and alicia g0rt saved ! hehx ..
so happie for them lahs .. lolx ..
hmmm .. tmr goin ta ms chng's hse wiit binnyi .. lol ~ they gonna make cake ? O.o lolx .. i siit down thr enjoy bahs .. hahha .. hmmm.. alriite .. will stop here .. 'll be looking forward to tmr .. heh .. niites ~ =)) +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Thursday, September 08, 2005
llots of things happen tis few weeks everyone life there are sure some miserable times .. i haf just got mine .. i haf learnt alot of things frm it .... good friends are reali hard to find .. when u haf yrs treasure them.. happy times simply just gone for mie ... i reali miss those days.. hope they will be back soon .. ][six'karen][
wooo ~ g0rt a treat from aliciia's parents today .. hahax.. althou its her bday.. mie n biinn yi were given a treat `! haha .. so cool ~ lolx .. so much and we were so full. lolx .. *thx alicia ~! ;p her papa's soooo damn farnie .. lolx .. luff till stomach ache O.o Hahax.. and her bro's sssooooooo cuuute `!! so farnie iin john little.. hahhax. they were like taking pics wit the stationery models.. haha.. so cuute` lolx .. - all troubles thrown owae. >.< +[[fiive`rebecca]]+ <3
chao carrot` -.- olwaes buggin mie to wriite the blog . hurr .. after tiis eu better write i tell eu . lolx.. siince i got nuthink to do now i shall wriite a lil' bahs .. hehe`!
where to fiind such a gd fren liike mie rite carrot? *nods.. ;p
hmm.. so siianed. maple's ddown .. haha.. nuthink to wriite oso =newaes .. i'm ssooo happie tt God's touched yi binn wang's heart`!! hahahaha` hmmm..
and happie bufdae to zhenghui and alicia~ hahax .. *best wishes .. lol `
olriites i'll stop here.. don care . ;p i'll go for maple now.. guess it'll be readdy . haha`
+[[fiive`rebecca]]+ <3
where to fiind such a gd fren liike mie rite carrot? *nods.. ;p
hmm.. so siianed. maple's ddown .. haha.. nuthink to wriite oso =newaes .. i'm ssooo happie tt God's touched yi binn wang's heart`!! hahahaha` hmmm..
and happie bufdae to zhenghui and alicia~ hahax .. *best wishes .. lol `
olriites i'll stop here.. don care . ;p i'll go for maple now.. guess it'll be readdy . haha`
+[[fiive`rebecca]]+ <3
Friday, August 12, 2005
harlo`!! lonnnnnggg tiime no post le.. now at carrot's house.. so shhe force mie to wriite =x hehh.. i lurve her hse`! noe why? cos gort piig songg`!! haha.. so damnn cuute mans. =p hmmm.. latter got iinter-class netball.. can we wiin ? hahas.. let God deciide~! lolx.. hehs.. o yahh~ our o'level chiinese result came out todaii.. hahas.. so happi tat i got at least a b4.. i'm verii happi liiaos.. haha.. thank God `!! lolx.. hmmm.. andd.. she's actiing cute besiide mie =x hahahaha`!!!!!! olwaes act cuute wiith "jojo" - her belovedd "baby" -.- shhe's so crazy. hahas.. annd.. today cun laii said somethiing to carrot`!! wakakakaka~!! so sweet mans =x but she dunno how to appreciate.. lolx..`! so sad.. i see hiim the face kana rejected i also sadd for hiim eh.. haiix.. how can carrot bbe liike tis? =( thiink she's guilty now ;p heh hehs.. hmmm.. cant stop here yet.. wont be writing blog for lonng.. so muz wriite longer... kaka.. iif not tat long and skiiny carrot wiil scold mie agaiin =p hmmm.. last few wks.. wat diid i do ? hehh.. nth muchh actually.. STUDYing.. crazy-ing wiith my frenz.. ggo out wiit my family =) *so filial.. and of cos goiing for services~! haha.. see i'm so gd riite, karen? ya.. ii'm rite =p hehh.. o ya.. i jus rmb.. her house's full of priingles~! haha.. shhe's priingles-mad.. lolx.. next tiime bday present jus giib her priingles will do.. haha~! hmmm olriite.. guess i'll stop here lahs.. haha.. boriing already lahh.. muz prepare my braiin well for netball later.. =p sso tt tat skiiny pole wont say mie.. =p hahas~! *restiing my braiin now`!! and listeniin to piig pig songg`!! gdbye everybody`!! miis mie and i'll mis eu.. and.. p/s : to alviin - don say mie kpo anymore`! andd.. take good care of her* okiie?! iif not i come fiind eu ar.. hahas.. muackks`! +[[fiive`rebecca]]+ <3
Monday, August 08, 2005
todayy accompany my mum go shopping.. we went to bugis den to orchardd .. so tiredd.. OH YA at fareast i saw guo pin chao.. i reali can't believed it.. but i think reali is him .. he very tall and handsome..when i saw him i was so stunned cannot move , stood rooted to e ground.. coz maybe too sudden ba.. den a small boy like knock into him .. he touch his head den wave to him..he lOok so cutee.. i realli regret never say hi to him.. he just beside mi.. =( jamie sry ar make u go all the way there den he gone le.. reali hope u c him too.. kk write till here getting tired le.. tata ][six`karen][
Sunday, July 31, 2005
today i went to meet my long lost friend.. reali long lost .. got 5 years never c each other le.. mEet him to Pass hIm his birthday preseNT .. HOpe Hee had a wonderful birthdayy ^^ after meeting him i went to find rebecca.. haa.. she bring mi to her cell group meeting.. so shyy!! but they are very friendly.. hee.. nice knowing them ... oh ya tat rebecca can'tt stand her... keep on saying she miss A--- =x opps.. haa.. nvm i am goin to let him noe too.. haa.. dun shy ar =D
yawn .. goin to slp.. i shall stop here tata ][six`kareN][
yawn .. goin to slp.. i shall stop here tata ][six`kareN][
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
hahas.. so siianed.. lonng tiime no blogg.. now at carrot's housee.. heh hehh.. shhe's luffiing.. to herself =x crazy .. hahas.. hmmm.. today i saw HIM.. haiix.. so sad. really miis those days`!! ='( jus hoppe everyonne can be giiven a 2nnd chance bahhs. sobbx.. nothhin to wriite.. hurhur.. ii'm sadded now.. no mood liiaos..~ nx tiime my comp ok le den wriite agaiin bahs.. hurhurr.. tata~ +[[fiive`rebecca]]+ <3 "7-11" olwaess`!!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
rebecca hope yr com will be fix as soon as possible..hee.. =D yesterday i bought a keyboard.. hee. so happi... can play all my favourite songs le. haa.. school reopen le.. reali very sian .. got to wake up so early , afterr schooll still haf to stay backk for remedial...tue will be my 'o' level oral le..wish mi good luck k .. Hee. kk write till here.. wanna go play my keyboard le.. tata =) ][six`karen][
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
harlox`!! lonng tiime no post.. hehex.. todayy skool reopenns.. so siianed`!! hurhurr.. tiime seemed to pass so slowly.. lolx.. ehh.. den mr onng kept tokiing abt NZ.. nothiing abt NZ.. hahaha.. =x kiddingg.. ehh.. skool iis so siianed.. so boriingg.. liike shiittt =x nno choiice lahh.. heh heh.. oh riite.. saturdayy i wentt for cell grp meetiing for thhe 1st tiime~ haha.. so shhy.. bbut everyonne was frenlyy.. hehex.. kiinda funn too.. madde alorta new fwenss.. haha.. ehh.. okaii shall stop herre.. gonna play maple agaiin~ haha.. don jealouss carrot..~ mmuackks`! +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Friday, June 24, 2005
hmmm.. yah.. trust ppl easiily le.. hehh.. thiink it's miisunderstandiing bahh carrot.. heex.. so sadd.. carot ii miis eu too`! hahas.. but gd thiing i joiined eu all today`! i wennt to watchh iniitial d wiit my 3 loviing n crazy fwens`!! jus lurrb them sso muchh =) all my troubles gonne when ii'm wiit them.. hehex.. thhe show's sso niice.. enjoyedd my saltedd popcornn wiit my carrot alsoo.. hahax.. ehh.. jay chou iin thhe show so cuute.. lolx.. *tofu boy`!! hahas.. hmmm.. took mrt to clementii wiit my darliink`! hahas.. thiink she noe why? not becos off HER =x haha.. kiddin lahhs.. olriite.. will stopp here.. ggo play gamme. hahas.. @4 rox`! <3 heex.. tatas. +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Thursday, June 23, 2005

ya it may be a misunderstandingg but no matter wat izzitt think we should not trust ppl so easily ba ..we dunno wat he thinking rite.. or maybe i think too much ..haix nvm lets nott tok abt thiss think of tiss just make mi madd....becca i miss u so much.. so sad u cannot join us today .. went to chinatown today coz cy sis need a model for makeover .. hee..n we took tis pic..nice ? haA.. kk istop here ..BuhbILEee =) ][six`karen][
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
haha~ carrot relax`!! I HATE HIM TOO`~ i supportt eu all bahhs.. but.. muz fiind ouut the truthh fiirst.. hehex.. hmmm.. my darliing carrot iish siick`! all becos of cy.. passed to mie den i passed to my darliinkx. hahas.. so sadd.. =x kiiddingg lahhs..~ hmm.. muzz takkaiire of urselff okiies~* den wednesday can go takke * niice nicce.. thurrsday cann enjoyy show.. friiday can go kbox siing~~ muz rest well =) TAKE CARE EVERYBODY~!! <3 +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Monday, June 20, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
yos`!! hehex.. morniing slp so shiiok but nid to go school.. sianed.. lolx.. fiirst tiime carry umbrella to sch some morre`! hehex.. *miiracle huh =p den go art room laze arounnd.. hahas.. but gortt do abiiiiiit lah.. hurhurr.. met cy at taman jurrongg to eat.. den shhe nv eat.. crazy =x hahas.. guess wat? carrot gort the urrge to eat "bee bee" wennt to many many proviision shhops iin the ennd also don habb.. -.- zZz.. hahas.. too bad carrot* afta tt wennt back to schh art-iing again-.- hahas.. annd i sleppt thr wiithout paiinting already.. waiiting to go hm.. kaka`! lookiing forward to go ouut tmr~ hahax.. ii'm siick now.. go rest le.. tata~ ohh yya.` *carrot's previious entry.. wrote abt cy's.. hahaha.. cannot sayy.. but ii cant help iit le.. *go luff le.. haha`! *POOF* +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
soO tired today.. tis morning wake up dunn feel like goin to schooll but got no choice got to do my artt... =( we do until 3plus after tat we went down to play netball..hehe.. so funn.. oh ya. something happened in the toilet hurhur.. cy shE ..OPps.. =x cannot say laterr she kill mie .. hee.. kk stop here forr todayy .. tAtTAa... ][six`karen][
Monday, June 13, 2005
hmmm.. wentt to watch netball todayy.. b4 tt meet muhh darliing* go junctioon 8 -.- hahax`!! saww sooo manny doggies.. so cuutex`! hahas.. hmmm.. den we go toilet.. guess wat? we started takiing pics outsiide toilet haha`! so crazy of HER =x vaiinpot =D hmmm. bought myself sth.. cannot tell i shy ;p carrot better donn say.. hahax~ after tt go watchh netball lo at toa payohh sportss hall.. gd thiing gort aiir con =) worthh watchiing.. quiite nice~ hahax.. miis thhose dayys* ;p k lahhhs. stopp here le.. lazy to typpe morre. tatas`! & thx carrot for consoliing mie~ =) lurb eu`! muaccks.. +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Sunday, June 12, 2005
HAa of cozz i do de ma.. keke =) i mIss u too .. nvmm tml goin to c u againn.. hehe went to queenswayy , wanted to see there haff the adidas bagg anot.. but sadd dun haf..dunno where to buy.. =( when i was goin home i took the wrong buss... go until habour front the end gotto eat at there but thEe food there quite nice.. hee. i atE the xiao long pao.. yummy.. becCA dun sad le.. u will find yrs reali soon.. no hurry .. hehe..i shall stop here ..goin to zZz ..buhbiLEe ][six`karen][
kaka~ the blogg now so niice le ar. lolx.. but i still cant tagg. haiix.. sadded.. nehmiind lahhs. =) btw, i've accepted christ yesterdayy agaiin ~! hahax.. madde alort morre new fwenz le =) but i miis my bf, carrot* lehs.. hahax.. jus lurb her to the core.. heex.. hmm.. btw.. ask chiew yanng not to be sadd.. cut ouut her face cos... hahaha.. i dunno~ lolx`! he's real cute anyway.. haha. =x but.. i'm not tat interested in hiim.. i still.. miss thhe old *him.. ='( sobbx`! wiill tat dayy` everr coome? hurhurr. ley's waiit`! =D there's not 'unhappy' in the dictionarry.. so we muz lead ourr lives happily.. heh hehh.. okaiis.. i shall stopp here. so tiired now.. tatax`! +[[fiive`rebecca]]+
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
hurhurr`!! i fiinally came to post le~ lolx.. hmmm.. the neopriints nice huhh.. ya.. muz go shoppiing agaiin.. and spent 100 bucks* =\ hahas`!! kiiddingg.. hmmm.. chhao carrot.. call mie go traiinin today.. lolx.. so tiired. but vewee funn lahh.. heex.. so loonnnng no play le.. kiinda missed it =) denn we go jp eat together wit netballers.. lonng tiime don hab tiis kiinda feeling le huh. hahas.. Annd tt crazy womann* brought mie to her house play *rubbish chute* hahahaha`!! play until she slpyy.. slpt liike a piig.. -.- lolx.. haiiya.. shall stop here.. got braiinfreeze now. lolx~ luuurbb carrot`! =) muahhhs.. *sa bai sa bai..~ =x signinng off.. x.[[five`rebecca]].x ~~
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
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